St. Ignatius is a thriving community of over 2,200 families, Jesuit clergy, parish staff and dedicated parish volunteers and our various ministries depend exclusively on parishioner’s time, talent and treasure. Running the parish and all of its programs, including salaries, church and parish office maintenance and utilities, faith formation, etc. costs $1.2M a year. We rely solely on parishioner support to meet our expenses and operate our programs. Your donation makes it possible for us to plan an appropriate operating budget and forecast income for the upcoming year.
Together with our pastor Fr. John, the Pastoral and Finance Councils strongly encourage registerd parishioners to contibute regularly to the parish. How much you might be able to afford to give, of course, is up to you. Any amount is welcome. Please pray and then consider the amount you are able to contribute to St. Ignatius Parish.
ParishSoft Giving is our online e-giving platform. You can choose to make a one-time donation to St. Ignatius, or set up a recurring donation
Under "Give Now" you can select if your donation is for the general offertory or for specific funds:
Faith Formation
Mass Cards
And more!
Contact for assistance.
Cash, Check, Venmo
Drop your envelope or check into any of the offertory baskets at the doors of the church, or mail to:
St Ignatius of Loyola Parish, 28 Commonwealth Ave.
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
or send payments by Venmo, @StIgnatius-Church and 617-991-5410.
Other Ways to Give
You can support St. Ignatius Parish by including us in your will, gifts of long-term appreciated stocks and bonds, or a charitable gift from your IRA or other qualified retirement benefits.
Contact for assistance.
St. Igantius of Loyola is a 501(c)(3) charity, TAX ID 04-2106280