Ignatian Spirituality
Ignatian spirituality is a way to pray, an approach to making decisions, and an awareness of God actively at work in the world and in our everyday lives. Ignatian spirituality finds God in one’s very own experience, in human relationships, creation, sacramental life and community.
Ignatius believed that God desires to draw us into a personal friendship. As Ignatius grew in the intimacy and freedom of his prayer relationship with God, he began to notice and discern the movements of the Spirit in his daily life. Ignatius composed a handbook called the Spiritual Exercises which he shared with his companions to guide them through a process of prayer, meditation and self-awareness.
For Ignatius, contemplative prayer always leads us to become more attentive and responsive to God’s dream for peace, reconciliation and social justice for the world.
“Ignatian spirituality is not merely an inward journey, much less a self-absorbed one. It aims to bring people closer to God and more deeply into the world - with gratitude, passion, and humility - not away from it.” (USA Northeast Jesuits) The practice of Ignatian spirituality calls us to be “contemplatives in action”. We are challenged to find prayerful balance amidst the business of our daily lives.
Come explore and experience the practice of Ignatian spirituality with us here at the Parish of St. Ignatius of Loyola:
19th Annotation Retreat

Heart of Ignatian Prayer

Entering the Heart of Ignatian Prayer for the New Year
January 4 and 6, 2024
Join us to explore and experience the ways of Ignatian prayer. Our evening session will be held online from 7–8:15pm on Thursday, January 4, followed by an optional Ignatian Day of Prayer on Saturday, January 6.
For more information, contact Kathy Maher.