Becoming Catholic
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the primary process for adults to prepare for Baptism or become full members of the Catholic Church. OCIA welcomes serious inquirers at all levels of knowledge, faith, and intent. The process culminates in the reception of one or more of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
St. Ignatius Parish invites you to discern the decision to become a fully initiated Catholic. OCIA could be for you if:
You are an adult believer but have never been baptized
You were baptized in another Christian denomination
You are only exploring a relationship with God through the Catholic faith for the first time
Come and see if this is the best next step in your spiritual journey! In the context of a supportive small-group learning community, we explore the richness of Catholicism and reflect on the meaning of faith in daily life.
Beginning in mid-September, the OCIA group meets on alternate Tuesdays from 7:00–8:30pm, and concludes in early May. Those being baptized for the first time and Christians from other denominations being received into the Church celebrate the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil each year. The ceremony for Catholics receiving Confirmation will be held in May.
For more information and a complete schedule, please contact
Submit your completed Inquiry Form to Carol Russo, and contact her with any additional questions